Best WordPress Hosting Convesio - Is It REALLY Worth It? (2024)

best wordpress hosting convesio

Have you heard about Convesio WordPress hosting? It's a relatively new kid on the block that dares to do things differently.

It's a managed WordPress hosting provider for agencies that offers next-generation WordPress hosting. 

It has exceptional features that set it apart from competitors, such as automatic updates, quick and dependable service, high-performance, and free domain registration with every plan purchase (no matter how many domains).

It’s on a mission to change the way people think about managed WordPress hosts. 

It may have just created the perfect solution for managing or growing an online site with cost-effective solutions unlike any other out there, thanks to the unique management tools, high availability features, and scalable infrastructure!


 best wordpress hosting convesio

Convesio summary

Convesio is an excellent choice for managed WordPress hosting with a top of the range software stack for people who want complete control at a price which is reasonable. If you prioritize performance, reliability and a managed WordPress service, Convesio is one of the most capable hosting services out there. 


Plans from $50 per month

Free Trial

Yes - 30 days



  What We Liked

  Usage of Docker and Percona platforms


 High end server hardware and auto-scaling capabilites


 Truly managed hosting service


 Excellent customer service


  Rapid autoscaling to meet demand

  What We Didn't Like


  No option for CPanel or WHM if you need it


 Not priced for the mainstream

  Ease of use


  Reliability and performance




  Value for Money





 Visit Convesio Now

Who is Convesio?

Convesio is a small web hosting company based in San Francisco, California. It was founded in 2018 and has grown steadily ever since.

Tom Fanelli is the founder/CEO of Convesio, which was founded in 2018. Tom Fanelli, who has 20 years of experience working with 500 companies, has launched Convesio, which he describes as the best WordPress hosting. 

He concentrated on a custom-built website that lacked cPanel and other cutting-edge server configuration and management tools.

You’ll find Convesio does things slightly differently and this is why.

Why should you consider Convesio hosting?

Convesio hosting is trying to do things differently. The company built its infrastructure from the ground up specifically for WordPress.

You don’t get cPanel, Apache or Nginx here. Instead, you get a custom setup that uses Docker containers and optimized load balancers to keep everything fast.

We’ll discuss Docker more in a little while.

Convesio also mimics Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure with its pricing. Rather than a flat fee for resources, there’s a sliding scale depending on your usage.

You sign up for a plan as usual, but it is based on visitors, databases and traffic.

As a bonus, those containers can be automatically scaled up to use more resources as your business grows. They can also be billed monthly or hourly depending on your needs.

What services does Convesio offer?

Convesio offers WordPress hosting and that’s it. We consider that good news as it means they can focus on speed and performance without spreading themselves too thin.

It also means the company has the resources to continually develop their custom infra without other areas falling behind.

All WordPress hosting plans are usage based. We’ll discuss pricing later.

What is managed WordPress hosting?

Managed WordPress hosting is a service that takes care of all the technical aspects of running WordPress for you. This type of hosting offers high security and speed for your website, as well as updates, daily backups, website uptime, and flexibility. This type of hosting saves time and ensures that your website runs smoothly.

Convesio is one of the best WordPress hosting companies, standing out in a crowded market. It offers low prices and great hosting plans.

It has auto-scaling and self-healing features that aren’t found on other well-known hosting sites. 

Convesio’s top-of-the-line technology also ensures fast, secure, and scalable hosting. Convesio allows you to quickly deploy a WordPress site with load balancers, a database cluster, and a redundant file system.

Benefits Of Using Convesio

Benefits of using Convesio WordPress hosting

Convesio calls itself a one-stop shop for all things WordPress. Its simple interface enables users to create large-scale sites with auto-scaling and self-healing capabilities. 

  1. Unbeatable uptime: Since Convesio uses load-balancer containers to reduce traffic load, its servers never go down. As a result, unlike other sites that go down for several minutes or even hours, yours stays up almost all of the time.
  2. Database cluster: A database cluster is a set of databases managed by a single database server that runs continuously—WordPress Convesio’s sites are powered by powerful MySQL servers. MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that allows multiple users to manage and create databases. This ensures that website requests are processed efficiently.
  3. Automated scaling: Automated or auto-scaling is a technique for dynamically adjusting the number of active servers (computing power) in a server farm. It would be a huge relief to have your website’s resources automatically scaled to handle a sudden spike in traffic. Convesio deploys multiple containers that scale and descale resources automatically, saving you the cost of hiring a system administrator.
  4. Horizontal scaling: The Docker containers that run the site can be deployed on different servers, so that you can scale out and your site will be able to handle more load
  5. Application monitoring: Application performance monitoring (APM) ensures that applications run smoothly. APM is the collection of log data to assist developers in tracking application availability, bugs, resource usage, and variations that negatively impact the end-user experience. Convesio provides you with the ability to monitor your online sites at the WordPress application level. It means that any change will be approved before being implemented.
  6. Fast caching: Page caching is a technique for making dynamic content static, and it can speed up your WordPress site by 2 to 5 times. This is due to the fact that the page’s content is generated each time a visitor submits a request. Convesio has a server-level caching layer that can be used in multiple ways as mentioned below:
  7. Cloudflare CDN: To further boost performance and security Convesio uses Cloudflare to front all their websites, so you get the benefits of a CDN without having to pay for one yourself
  8. Self-recovery: Restoring a web-hosted database is one of the most time-consuming and dangerous tasks. Convesio’s self-restoration data feature, on the other hand, protects you from such dangers. It keeps a backup of your data and restores it in the event that your website goes down for any reason.
  9. Free migration: If you want to move your website from another host to Convesio, you can do so for no charge. Convesio’s team of experts can assist you with this, and the entire process takes almost 48 hours.
  10. Automatic backups: Convesio allows users to easily back up, clone, and restore your site. It backs up your data automatically; however, you must schedule the backup between every 3 hours and every 15 days. This automatic backup system adds to the security of your online files by storing them in a different location.
  11. Security: Convesio employs cutting-edge security measures to assist you in monitoring and scanning for potential security threats. Furthermore, the security features enable you to edit the code, configurations, and environment variables in advance to avoid malware and other threats. It also has Cloudflare implemented as an additional security mechansim
  12. Speed optimized: Convesio gives your site a high optimizing speed thanks to features like clustered databases and page caching. They deploy the latest technology such as the most recent versions of PHP to improve the speed of your site while also ensuring no vulnerabilities
  13. Flexibility: Convesio may be your best option if you’re looking for a transparent website hosting solution. It never binds you to any contracts and allows you to move your website to any other web hosting provider with just a few clicks.
  14. Moneyback guarantee: Convesio is one of the most dependable and cost-effective web hosting companies available today. It offers a free one-month trial without requiring credit card information. As a result, there’s no need to worry about signing up for a costly plan if it doesn’t work out.
  15. 24/7 customer support: Convesio is available to assist you with your website at any time. They’ll be there when you need them the most, with staff available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! The team here is so sure of their leadership skills with an unbeatable solution that they don’t want you to be concerned about technical details.

Advantages and disadvantages of Convesio WordPress hosting

Convesio has a truly international team of experts dedicated to providing excellent service to their customers. 

Every hosting company has both advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of this WordPress hosting service.


  1. Convesio’s impressive uptime ensures that websites are always up and running, with no lost traffic.
  2. They can make sure you get high-speed browsing and enhance website performance across devices because they have servers all over the world.
  3. Convesio runs your application inside a container using Docker, which uses minimal resources and scales quickly.
  4. Convesio provides a free one-month trial that allows you to host two websites. You may not be able to use all of the features at this time but you get to try the service before you buy.


  1. In comparison to its competitors, Convesio is a little pricey for the features and specifications it offers.
  2. Some Convesio hosting plans limit performance by allowing only one WordPress website to be hosted.
  3. The Foundation plan may cause serious performance issues but the increased number of containers didn’t seem to make much difference.
  4. If you don’t have all of your fonts loaded in Cloudconvert, it can sometimes change the file when converting document files.

The Docker platform

Server failure is the most common cause of website failure, and it can happen if all of your client's websites are hosted on the same server. In such a case, you will receive hundreds of calls from dissatisfied customers demanding a quick resolution.

Convesio is the only WordPress hosting provider that makes use of Docker containers or Docker platforms to solve this problem. Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services host Convesio’s containers.

The Docker platform can be used in a variety of ways:

  1. The Docker platform allows you to run software applications in containers that run on the same operating system as the host but have their own disk space like a virtual machine.
  2. To configure everything properly, container services use software virtualization. It allows you to have an up-to-date website in a matter of seconds.
  3. Containers are created across multiple servers so you’ll never have to worry about a single computer failing.
  4. Containers make traffic balancing easier and drastically reduces the risk of website failure.
  5. It’s more functional than a VPS (Virtual Private Servers) with fixed amounts per site. You can use the same virtual hosting service to host as many websites as you want.

To enhance the guest experience, each WordPress website on Convesio has at least 9 containers that can be automatically scaled up or down in response to traffic levels. These containers provide quick scalability and simple management features to meet your requirements.

  • 3 Containers for Load Balancing
  • 5 Containers for Percona Databases (Percona Database Containers)
  • 3 File Replication Nodes
  • 1+ PHP Runtime Containers for WordPress

How to create a WordPress website with Convesio

Let's see how simple it is to set up a brand new WordPress website using Convesio.

Step 1: Create your first WordPress site

Go to Convesio’s homepage, sign up, and then “start a free trial.” It’s a simple procedure that doesn’t require you to enter your credit card information.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

  • Convesio’s dashboard appears after you’ve signed up. Choose “Create Your First Site.”
  • Select “Set advanced options.”
  • Select the most recent PHP version, location, database type, WordPress version, and webserver type.
  • Click on “deploy”. This process might take up to 5 minutes.
  • When you click “manage,” you’ll see four options: “site dashboard, log in to wp-admin, visit the site, set the site name, and delete the site.”

Step 2: Add your domain, SSL, and caching

You can see the traffic overview, disk usage details, page speed score, and more in the second step, and you’ll need IP address details to point your domain to Convesio.

Convesio does not provide domain registration, so you’ll need to purchase one from a company like Godaddy or Namecheap.

With all of the features available, you can take care of a lot of the technical aspects. Of course, if a specific function or option isn’t available, you can contact the support team immediately; rest assured, they’ll be happy to assist!

Setting up auto-scaling in Convesio

You could be on your way to setting up auto-scaling on Convesio in less than a minute. Let’s get this process started!

Pick the best plan

Convesio’s most recent update includes features for a variety of environments and databases, which will come in handy if you’re running a configuration that relies on a specific technology. All plans offer scale, but it’s important to pick the right one for your site’s requirements.

Turn on auto-scaling

Auto-scaling can be enabled with a single click from the Convesio dashboard. You can set the Auto Scaling Expandability Range — min and max container — based on your needs.

WordPress containers section

On the WordPress Scale Service dashboard, you can see a list of all active containers. On the overview page, you can also see a list of both active and terminated containers.

Core web vitals

You can test any article with a featured image or 140 KB each on any device. This test has an average score of 99, which is an excellent result.

CDN performance test

The CDN Performance Test allows you to assess performance in each area. It calculates the top-performing and worst-performing locations over time, as well as a global average of all the locations. 

Test your website’s performance

Convesio uses Docker containers to test how a website performs under high traffic. A user ran two tests, one with a single container and the other with ten containers. An ideal load test response time is above 100 ms requests per second, regardless of the number of requests (RPS).

Convesio Pricing

Convesio Pricing

Convesio offers several WordPress hosting plans from Starter all the way to Enterprise Level 7.

Each has been designed for different stages of the journey and gradually add more features.

The Starter Level 1 plan costs $50 per month and includes:

  • 5 GB SSD Disk
  • 2 vCPU
  • 512 MB Memory
  • 50 GB Bandwidth
  • 4 PHP Workers
  • Shared Database Size: 1GB
  • 99.9% uptime
  • Google cloud infrastructure
  • Cloudflare CDN
  • Advanced security
  • Malware protection
  • Chat/Ticket support
  • Free basic migration

The Business Level 3 plan costs $300 per month and adds:

  • 10 GB SSD Disk
  • 4 vCPU
  • 2 GB Memory
  • 100 GB Bandwidth
  • 16 PHP Workers
  • Shared Database Size: 5GB
  • Cloudflare enterprise
  • White glove migration
  • Priority Slack support
  • Redis w/Relay
  • Object Cache Pro
  • Managed scaling
  • Auto scaling

The Enterprise Level 7 plan costs $2,400 per month and adds:

  • 1 Install
  • 100 GB Disk Space
  • 24 vCPU
  • 32 GB Memory
  • Custom Workers
  • 1.5 TB Bandwidth
  • Auto Scaling
  • Dedicated Percona DB
  • Dedicated MariaDB
  • Object Cache Pro Load testing
  • New Relic consulting
  • Performance optimization
  • Code reviews
  • Quarterly business reviews
  • Dedicated account manager

As you can see, each plan is designed specifically for businesses of different sizes and offers gradually more resources as you grow.

Convesio also offers extra disk space, bandwidth and other services as added extras to each plan.

We’re not a fan of charging for visits or bandwidth as you’re essentially penalizing a website for being successful.

However, Convesio isn’t the only host to do this, it’s just the way the industry is.

All in all, if you have the budget, the >99.9% uptime and impressive load times could definitely be worth paying for!

Click here for the lowest price on Convesio in July 2024

Customer reviews

Convesio reviews

Convesio’s performance has been praised by users, and many industry experts also consider it to be the best-managed WordPress hosting.

Convesio doesn’t have many testimonials on Trustpilot, but those it does have are all 5 stars.

One review says:

Performance WordPress hosting at a reasonable price with AMAZING support

“Coming from other performance WordPress hosts (WP Engine and Kinsta), I have been very happy and fortunate to find Convesio. I have found the performance to be better than the other providers at a more affordable price. The thing that really makes me happy however, is the team behind Convesio. They are always there to help me. They are very much the unseen weapon who I must attribute any technical progress in my business to. They have save me countless hours in troubleshooting.”

Web Tribunal said:

“Convesio is a fresh face in the managed WordPress hosting market, but it’s already proving its mettle with competitive offerings.”

The Blog Mechanic said:

“If you have a profitable, high-traffic WordPress website or you manage WordPress sites for clients, best wordPress hosting Convesio is unbeatable. You will never have to worry about your website going offline or underperforming again.”

Alternatives to Convesio WordPress Hosting


Although Convesio is highly recommended as a WordPress hosting provider due to its unbeatable uptime rates, high-speed performance and its use of Docker Cloud (among other advantages), there are of course several alternative WordPress hosting options you can explore. For instance, WordPress hosting by Cloudways may lag behind Convesio when it comes to load speeds (at least according to Convesio’s own website) but its standard plans start at a much more affordable $10/month: for that, you get 24/7 expert hosting support, 24/7 real-time monitoring, auto-healing technology, dedicated firewalls and SSL certificates, and the Cloudflare Enterprise add-on. Check out our full Cloudways review here.


Kinsta has made a concerted effort since its launch in 2013 to solidify its position as the go-to hosting option for WordPress users wanting quick load times and secure architecture.

Kinsta takes care of many facets of maintaining a quick and secure WordPress website. Additionally, the market-leading Google Cloud Platform hosts your website in a WordPress-friendly environment. Check out our Kinsta review here.

InMotion Hosting

We can't have a hosting review without mentioning the hosting service we use. While they don't provide a bunch of stuff around auto-scaling and stuff like this, their managed WordPress hosting has you covered. If you want solid hosting, you may choose a combination of VPS with managed hosting and you'll be more than happy. We know we are! Check out our review.

Convesio WordPress hosting FAQ’s

Where are the servers of Convesio located geographically?

Convesio’s clusters are currently spread across North America, Europe, and Australia. This gives you a good variety of options where you want to host your site, depending on where the major of your website visitors come from.

Is it possible to run a website in multiple containers?

Yes, a website can run in single or multiple PHP Runtime containers. Each container has a predetermined number of PHP Workers and virtual CPUs. If your site requires a lot of processing power and has a lot of visitors, you should run it in multiple containers from the start.

Does Convesio make use of cPanel?

No, Convesio does not make use of CPanel. Convesio differs from traditional web hosting companies in that it has created its own user interface which gives access to the same hosting functions without requiring the use of CPanel.

Is Convesio truly the best WordPress hosting provider?

Convesio offers next-generation features that you won’t find in even the most popular hosting providers, making it the backbone of your business website. Whether they are the best is always a subjective question, but they definitely are a solid option when it comes to a WordPress hosting provider.

It is a successful hosting company that provides a fast, dependable, and secure service. Furthermore, their low-cost plans, which start at $50 per month, provide an excellent opportunity for newcomers and beginners to advance.

The use of containers and virtualization technology has reduced the chances of your website going offline due to hardware issues even more. 

As a result, you can put your trust in this managed WordPress hosting provider over its competitors, who may not offer the same level of protection against downtime or loss of data!

Start a Convesio Trial Now

About the Author
David Attard
David has been working in or around the online and digital industry for the last 21 years. He has vast experience in the software and web design industries using WordPress, Joomla and niches surrounding them. He has worked with software development agencies, international software companies, local marketing agencies and now is Head of Marketing Operations at Aphex Media - an SEO agency. As a digital consultant, his focus is on helping businesses get a competitive advantage using a combination of their website and digital platforms available today. His blend of technology expertise combined with a strong business acumen brings a competitive edge to his writings.

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