David Attard

Founder, Lead Author, CollectiveRay

"David has been working in or around the online and digital industry for the last 21 years. He has vast experience in the software and web design industries using WordPress, Joomla and niches surrounding them. He has worked with software development agencies, international software companies, local marketing agencies and now is Head of Marketing Operations at Aphex Media - an SEO agency. As a digital consultant, his focus is on helping businesses get a competitive advantage using a combination of their website and digital platforms available today. His blend of technology expertise combined with a strong business acumen brings a competitive edge to his writings."

13+ Sites To Get Amazing Free Joomla Templates/Collections

Article Audience: Generic Users / Webmasters / Developers Templates are one of the great features of Joomla. The separation of the content from

CollectiveRay's Privacy Policy - How We Use Your Data

  CollectiveRay.com - Privacy Policy Welcome, and thank you for your interest in CollectiveRay (“CollectiveRay”, “we,” or “us”), ou

[How to] Change Joomla Footer or Remove Powered By/CopyRight

One of the things you may want to do before launching a new website is to edit Joomla footer, to remove the Powered by Joomla message, change the copy

Joomla Modules vs Components vs Plugins: What's Different?

There are some crucial differences between Joomla modules, components and plugins which you need to understand Unless you understand the difference

Joomla Homepage: How To Customize/Edit The Joomla Front Page

Another easy to do but often asked question about Joomla is how to change the default Joomla homepage from the frontpage component to another pag

Enable/Disable Joomla Cache to Improve Performance [How To]

The power of a CMS like Joomla is that is powered by a database, making the whole site and content dynamic. But when it comes to performance, this d

[How To] Use Joomla LoadPosition + LoadModule to Put a Module in an Article

Did you know it is possible to put a module in an article in Joomla i.e. directly in your content using the Joomla loadmodule / loadposition function?

[How To] Transfer Joomla From Localhost to Server in 5 Steps

Full steps for Uploading Joomla to your website server After having developed and tested your website on a local server, the next big challenge is

How To Reset The Joomla Admin Password (Step By Step)

Do you need to reset password or Super User login? Forgot your Joomla password? Locked out of your administrator backend? Need to reset the J! cr

[How To] Link your Logo to the Joomla Homepage

This is a default UX you should enable: Linking your Logo to the Joomla Homepage  One of the most common navigation standards is that when you c

The Easiest Way to Add a Joomla Paypal / Donations Button

Online payment gateways are not easy to integrate with. This Joomla module makes it very easy to accept Joomla Paypal payments on your site. Our highl

Top 10 Joomla Security Issues (And How to Fix Them) - [deleted]

Top Ten Joomla Security Problems ... and how to avoid them Joomla Security issues are always a hot issue :) Unfortunately, there are some mistakes th

HTML for Joomla - Simple Module to Quickly Add Code (2024)

Mod HTML is a module, developed by this website, for those who need a simple way to quickly add HTML to their Joomla website. It allows you to ad

Joomla AdSense: Using Google Ads Within Joomla Content

If you have created a website and have been using Joomla, and you haven't figured out a way to monetize it yet, then Google AdSense is a must. You als

Complete Guide to Understand Joomla 3 Template Positions - [deleted]

New users of Joomla tend to find template module positions confusing and possibly frustrating. Joomla 3 has improved the way templates 

How to use J2XML to move content between Joomla versions

This tutorial is going to focus on moving only your content or users from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5. We recommended J2XML. This tutorial has been repro


Bad karma: we can't find that page! You asked for {%sh404SEF_404_URL%}, but despite our computers looking very hard, we could not find it. What happe

Donate A Beer If We've Helped You Out!

If you have found this website or any of our modules helpful, we would encourage you to donate a beer €3 (or more) ;) It is very encouraging that pe

Load Public Position Joomla! Plugin - NO LONGER AVAILABLE

THIS PLUGIN IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE While the plugin is no longer available, we are leaving this post up for posterity. You can now use the normal Joo

25 Best Joomla SEO Tips To Boost Your Site Rank Fast (2024)

Joomla SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the pillars you need to focus on if you want your website to be successful. Search traffic remain

9 Joomla Blank Page (White Screen of Death) Proven Solutions

or How to fix a Joomla blank page or Joomla white screen problem One of the most frequently reported Joomla problems is that in one area or a

DC Joomla Facebook Like Popup Plugin AND Module

Why pay for Facebook fans when you can get them for free? The Joomla Facebook Like Popup helps you get more fans from people who visit your website.

[How to] Create a Favicon and Apple Icon for your Website

Apple iPhone/iPad Since a few years ago, favicons which had lost much of their relevance have been resurrected since more and more browsers now suppo

How to Enable, Disable and Use Joomla 2 Factor Authentication

Joomla two-factor authentication is one of those Joomla project improvements which can and will improve security. This is because by enabling two-fa

The Ultimate Guide to Using Tags in Joomla

Tags in Joomla! have been around since Joomla 3.1, infact this was one of the hot new features back then. We never created a deep dive article into

[How to] Empty Joomla Trash, Publish or Delete Content Items Permanently

In Joomla 3, it might take you some time to actually find stuff such as content or menu items that you have already deleted. Joomla trash items are

Add Joomla Google Analytics: 7 Easy Ways [Full Guide - 2024]

If you're planning to launch a Joomla website, one of your primary concerns is monitoring the traffic the site gets, that's why Joomla Google Analyt

What is the Joomla Redirect Plugin? All You Need to Know

So what the heck is the Joomla System - Redirect plugin and component? The Joomla Redirect is a combination of a Joomla component and plugin which mak

What is the Joomla Admin URL and Login URL?

or How To Log in and out of Joomla Administrator or Frontend There are a number of Login URLs for Joomla, so if you've forgotten or for some rea

[How to] Hide the WordPress Versions for Increased Security

This WordPress tip is about hiding the WordPress version header. Imagine yourself as a hacker who wants to break into your site. A hacker's life is ma

Add Google Analytics to Your WordPress Theme (Without Plugin)

What's the one thing you always do when you create a website? Add Google Analytics of course. The very reason for creating a Wordpress website in th

[How To] Start a Blog in 19 Simple Steps in 2024 [Updated]

If you've heard about WordPress, you probably would want to know how to go about building a new WordPress site from scratch, and in reality, how t

How To Change WordPress Password If You Forgot It (Step-by-Step)

If you're like us, chances are, every so often you will forget a WordPress Administrator password and you'll need to reset it. Luckily, WordPress has

How to Setup a WordPress Shopping Cart - 9 Themes + Plugins

Setting up a WordPress shopping cart is one of the most popular use cases for a website. While the CMS is used for all types of sites, eCommerce i

40 Best WordPress Blog Themes in 2024 (Tried and Tested)

Want to become one of the many successful WordPress bloggers out there? Want more features than a free WordPress theme but can’t decide which of

WordPress Community/Social Network (15) Awesome Themes/Plugins

One of the most effective ways to keep users coming back to your website - one which has proven itself against the test of time - is creating an e

Work with CollectiveRay

CollectiveRay is interested in developing partnerships with mutual benefit. If you operate in web design, development, Joomla, WordPress, SEO, content

Easy WordPress Paypal Payment/Donations Plugin

Accept Payments Online and donations with our WordPress Paypal Payment plugin Online payment gateways are not easy to integrate with. This WordPress

Step-by-Step: Migrate a WordPress Site to a New Host or Server

...or how to move a website to a new host without problems. If you’ve got a long experience with WordPress, you have probably realized that there

External Posts No Longer Accepted

WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING EXTERNAL WRITERS Please do not pitch We are no longer taking posts. People submitting guest post pitches will be marked a

25+ Web Design Tools to Make a Designer's Life Easy (2024) - [deleted]

If you’re a web designer, you likely already know that some of the work we do starts to get tedious and repetitive after a while. Fortunately, the

50+ Amazing Free Image Sites to Make Your Content Dazzle (2024)

We live in an image based world. Look around and you will see that we are surrounded with visuals. The online world is no different. Everything from

Joomla Google Analytics Plugin: Simple Way To Add GA Code

How to Add to Joomla, your Google Analytics code If you have created a Joomla website, one of the very first things you want to do is monitor how m

WordPress Full Screen Responsive Menu

Create a responsive full-screen menu for your WordPress website We have recently seen a growing trend of websites using a full-screen menu - this has

DC Joomla Full Screen Responsive Menu

Create a responsive full-screen overlay menu for your Joomla website We have recently seen a growing trend of websites using a full-screen menu - thi

17 Best Joomla Extensions And Components You Must See (2024)

Every Joomla website - whatever the focus, requires a number of essential things to make sure it's top-notch. If you're not taking care of these ess

10x Your Fans with a Like Us on Facebook Popup Plugin (2024)

Increase Facebook Fans If you have created a WordPress website or blog and have been trying to get more Facebook fans, there are a few simple techniq

Speed Up WordPress: 25 Steps to a Super Fast Website Today

Your WordPress website is dead in the water if it does not load quickly. It's useless having invested in excellent design, bought great plugins, and

101 WordPress Tips & Tricks Every Blogger Must Know (2024)

If you're using WordPress frequently, there are some things you'll learn. But these WordPress tricks will allow you to really take your productivity t

[How To] Add A Widget Area To Any WordPress Theme (2024)

The default WordPress theme in 2014 was Twenty Fifteen, a template with a fixed sidebar to the left that turns into a header in mobile

How to Track WordPress Downloads (using Plugins or Natively)

As most people who use WordPress understand, WordPress is more just a blogging platform. eCommerce sites, lead-generation sites, membership sites

[How To] Add Login/Logout Links for an Improved WooCommerce User Experience

WooCommerce is the most popular ecommerce plugin in the WordPress ecosystem. However, it has a bit of a nagging usability issue. By default, WooComm

Show Only Posts/Media Owned By Logged In WordPress User

How to disable showing of posts and media of other WordPress users If you’ve ever worked on a WordPress community site supported by a lot of publ

Native vs Plugin: WordPress Backup Using 6 Reliable Methods

As a WordPress user, it is very important for you to keep your WordPress files and database secure and backed up in case data loss happens. Whether

WordPress OG Tags: How to Increase Clicks To Your Post on Social

Have you heard about og meta tags? Do you implement og meta tags on your WordPress site? This article will show you what og meta tags are and how to i

7 Ways to Fix WordPress Hacked sites + 17 Security Steps to Protect

Securing your WordPress website against hackers is not as hard as you think. With a little prevention, you'll be able to save yourself a ton of cure

Speed Up WordPress Admin: Improve Loading Time of the Backend

A few days ago we published a couple of WordPress productivity tricks that can help you save time while using WordPress dashboard.

WordPress FTP Access: How To Access Files With an FTP Client

When working on a client site, sometimes you will have to upload files to the WordPress theme directory. Since the WordPress dashboard doesn’t al

7+ WordPress Landing Page Plugins/Themes [Comparison+Guide]

If you’ve ever sold a product or conducted a lead capturing campaign on your website, you might have known how important creating WordPress landin

About CollectiveRay

CollectiveRay (previously known) as DART Creations is a website for web designers, webmasters, Joomla and WordPress users. We provide all types of

19 WordPress On Page SEO Checklist for 10X Traffic (2024)

WordPress for on page SEO should become 2nd nature for you. Although most of SEO these days is about more than just on-page signals, more on content

Add Javascript To WordPress Site - 7 Step-By-Step Methods

There are typically many reasons why you want to add Javascript to WordPress, either a small tweak to a feature or maybe you're looking to add a thi

How to Check, Disable or Enable Joomla GZip Compression

One of the things you must do to make your Joomla website faster is to enable Joomla Gzip compression. Essentially what this does is, it asks the se

99+ Web Design Blogs You NEED To Follow [Updated for 2024]

Hey web designer! In our industry, things change fast, really fast! If you don't keep ahead of the game with your knowledge, you will be quickly left

WordPress Developers for Hire | 13 Top Freelancer Sites (2024)

If you use WordPress but don’t have the time or skills for a particular complex task, it is quite easy to find WordPress developers for hire. A

9 Free CDN for WordPress To Make Your Site REALLY Fast (2024)

The loading time of your page has a vital role in your website visitor’s user experience and can be one of the major contributing factors to pag

InMotion Hosting Review : Thoughts After 7 Years Usage (2024)

InMotion have long established themselves as a hosting company. Our InMotion hosting review will detail all the aspects of the hosting service : w

15 Essential Programming Communities For Every Web Developer

  Looking to learn new things? Meet like-minded programmers or developers? Want to share ideas or argue over new technologies? Our list of 15 es

How to Leverage Browser Caching WordPress With or Without a Plugin [5 ways]

Website slow and trying to improve it? You've probably seen this warning but are not sure what it means or how to fix it...but we've got you cover

3 Ways to Enable GZip Compression in WordPress (Faster Website)

One of the things you must do to make your website faster to is to enable WordPress Gzip compression. It is a crucial aspect because simply put, if

Minify/Combine WordPress CSS+Javascript Files = Faster Site

As many people do when striving to make a website load faster, they refer to the Google PageSpeed recommendations site, and rightly so, because if G

WordPress and Other Web Design Product Reviews

At www.collectiveray.com, we say it like it is. As developers of WordPress plugins, users with extensive experience of WordPress and other CMSes, we c

How to Setup WordPress SSL/HTTPS: 11 Important Things To Know

You may wonder why would we need to implement WordPress SSL/TLS, or enable WordPress on HTTPS? Before we start on that, we have to give a bit of his

Cornerstone WordPress PageBuilder Review = 100% Awesome

  When deciding what template and/or page builder for WordPress you want to use, you have a difficult choice to make. Your decision can leave

Divi Theme Review - Is This Popular WordPress Theme Good Value? (2024)

So you're here to read our Divi theme review and learn all about this product from Elegant Themes right? You've probably already heard about this them

5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins to Get More Conversions (2024)

Building a robust email list is a prerequisite to taking your business to the next level and getting hot leads by the dozens or even more, a majorit

What Is HTTP/2 And How Do I Enable it on WordPress? (2024)

In May of 2015, it was announced that the specification for HTTP2 had been finalised and released. HTTP2 offers significant performance advantages to

45 Best Cafe and Restaurant WordPress Theme Options (2024)

Why would a cafe and WordPress restaurant theme make sense for most people? One of the biggest mistakes many newcomers make when building their f

TemplateToaster Review : Does It Work? Is It Worth It? (2024)

    Any business owner or website developer knows how difficult it is to create and maintain a website. They are living, breathing entit

45 Real Estate Website Templates + Tips to Sell Property (2024)

A home is the largest, most expensive purchase any of us will make and showcasing properties for sale is crucial to gathering interest and booking

Hire Mobile App Developers for iOS/Android - Best 17 Sites (2024)

Are you planning to hire mobile app developers to build an app to power up your business? In general, this would be quite a daunting task. You're

Hire Javascript Developers / Freelancers - Top 9 Sites (2024)

It is difficult to overstate how important is to find an excellent JavaScript developer for hire, to build an excellent web development team. So h

Get Joomla Sumo Set Up in Seconds With our Simple Plugin

If you've got a blog, work in web design and haven't heard about Sumo yet, you are probably not in the company of the right people - or you're followi

InMotion vs SiteGround - Which One Should You Go For? (2024)

Have you been thinking about changing your web hosting service? InMotion vs SiteGround are two of the best services to host your website. Find

Cloudways Hosting Review - Is This Worth Your Money? (2024)

Today, in this Cloudways Review, we will show you how choosing the right cloud hosting platform can make a real impact on your business. When you'

40+ Best WordPress Business Themes - Corporate or Niche (2024)

Looking for WordPress business themes for your new website? Choosing a template for your business website can be challenging and a little overwhel

WordPress Login URL: How to Find It + 9 More Tips You'll Need

If there is one page that you'll visit as often as your WordPress website, (or even more) it's the WordPress login. Whether it's your authors, your

Bloom Review + 7 Ways Email Opt-Ins Can Boost Your Business

While social media has taken the world by storm, and content marketing continues to evolve, email marketing hasn’t gone anywhere. It still remai

Kinsta Review : Managed WordPress Hosting Powered by Google Cloud

WordPress is now used by over 35+% of all websites on the web. Because of this, many different WordPress focused hosting companies have emerged as

Leaping Ahead: 10 Web Design Trends You Should Use in 2024 - [deleted]

The one constant in web design is that nothing is constant. Design trends change, technologies provide more opportunities for expression and our app

Boost WordPress Email Subscriptions with 21 Proven Ways (2024)

Did you know that email marketing has a RoI of $38 against every $1? This means you should focus on getting more subscribers added to your ma

WordPress Table Plugins : 5 Ways to Create Awesome Grids (2024)

A WordPress table plugin lets you present information on your website in a structured format. Strangely, WordPress has no built-in function for

5 Best Reseller Hosting Providers - Performance + Value (2024)

The beauty of maintaining the best reseller hosting accounts for your clients is this: you can create a subscription-based or recurring revenue mo

33+ WordPress Membership Theme + Plugin Options (2024)

If you’re looking to transform your current website into a fully functional community, you can easily find tons of different paid memberships pl

Avada Theme Review : Most Popular But Is It Worth It? (2024)

  We're creating this Avada theme review because surely it needs no introduction . It has already won the hearts of over 478,000, 889,103+ u

Nitro Theme Review - The Best WooCommerce Theme for 2024?

Is Nitro the best WooCommerce theme for creating an online store in 2024? When it comes to WordPress reviews - we strive to give you the very b

15+ Best WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments Plugins (2024)

Welcome to our best WooCommerce bookings and appointments plugins review! Take it from our 20+ years of experience - some booking plugins ca

5 Things to Know Before Hiring Developers

Irrespective of the business you run, it is imperative that you maintain an active online presence. The first step to this, of course, is to get a w

Sucuri vs Wordfence : Which One Is Worth Your Money? (2024)

  Looking for a reliable WordPress security plugin and are deliberating between Sucuri vs WordFence? You're already well on the way to gett

ScalaHosting WordPress Hosting Review - Is It A Good Choice?

Is Scala Hosting the next big thing in WordPress hosting? 30% of the web is powered by the WordPress (WP) content management system, making it th

Divi vs Avada - Which Bestselling Theme Is Worth It? (2024)

If you've been thinking about setting up a WordPress theme with a premium look, you've surely come across these two major themes. But how do you d

7 WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugins : Ultimate Guide (2024)

Subscriptions are everywhere. We can subscribe to music, streaming TV and movies and even get a car on subscription! That's why WooCommerce subscr

27+ Must-Use WordPress Plugins (Updated For 2024)

2024 is said to be a pretty exciting year for all the web junkies and WordPress enthusiasts. WordPress plugins are always a huge topic though.

WooCommerce vs Shopify : Which eCommerce Is Best Value (2024)

Before we dig into our WooCommerce vs Shopify comparison, let's start with some statistics. Did you know that 51% of people in the USA prefer onlin

Best Minimalist WordPress Themes: 29 Free + 11 Premium (2024)

Why are minimalist WordPress themes always so popular? Because they work so well for a number of niches, particularly in the creative industries.

9+ Best Niche WordPress Themes to Get Started Fast [2024]

When you want to make a serious impact with your website, at a good budget, your only option is going for niche WordPress themes. With a limited bu

Hire Magento Developer - Top 7 Sites to Find Best Freelancers (2024)

Magento is a versatile eCommerce platform (today known as Adobe Commerce, because it was purchased by Adobe) that enables you to develop online st

Toptal vs Upwork: Which Site Is Best For Hiring Developers?

If you've ever been in the position to hire a developer, you've probably been faced with the decision of which outsourcing company to choose, part

Beaver Builder vs Divi : One Is Good For You, One Isn't (2024)

So, you're looking for a new WordPress page builder plugin. How do you choose between Beaver Builder or Divi when these are two of the most popula

Website Image Optimization Must-Have Checklist for Marketers

Whether you use photos you’ve shot yourself, images that you’ve designed from scratch or if you download free photos from stock image providers, i

👉 Divi vs Genesis - Which Is Best For Your Website? (2024)

So, you want to know whether you should choose Divi vs Genesis for creating your next website, right? The Divi theme and builder plugin by El

17+ Questions to Ask BEFORE Hiring Mobile App Dev Candidates

Mobile apps are taking over smartphones. Nowadays, mobile users will rely on apps to learn more about products, and even will fork out money to actu

20 Awesome Responsive Joomla Templates (10 Free + 10 Premium)

Every year the Joomla community is growing larger. The CMS is used for all types of websites because of its flexibility and reliability. It also h

35+ Best (fun!) WordPress Themes for Artists (Free & Premium)

  WordPress and its themes have been ruling the web for years. The CMS itself is stable, has unlimited flexibility, and is supported by hundre

WPEngine Review (Unbiased) : Is This Hosting Worth It? (2024)

At CollectiveRay, we're always trying out new hosting servers - for one reason, we like our websites to be fast. So when we came across the opport

40 Best eCommerce WordPress Themes for Online Shops (2024)

Selling products online has never been easier. With the incredible selection of WordPress eCommerce themes available, you can just pick up a theme

Sucuri vs Sitelock - Which Security Service Is Best? (2024)

Have you ever wondered what is the worst that can happen to your website? If you're a WordPress user, you probably have and that’s why you’re he

Elementor Pro + Advanced Custom Fields = Revolutionary (2024)

At CollectiveRay, we're a bit of a mashup, we're ex-developers, turned web designers, product managers and we just want our website to do what we

35 Feminine WordPress Themes for Fashion, Mommy and Girly Blogs (2024)

  Feminine WordPress themes are not just for girls or fashion and beauty blogs. Feminine design is about so much more than the subject. It’s

WP Activity Log: How to Audit Access Logs + secure WordPress

Without a doubt, website security is (or should be) one of the greatest concerns for any WordPress administrator. While WordPress security continu

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org : Which is Best For You? (2024)

This is the ever-present question for WordPress newcomers. It’s the subject of thousands of Reddit posts, Quora questions, and forum discussions

WordPress Jetpack Review - Should You Be Using It? (2024)

  Whether you're new to this industry, or you've been around for a while, one of the most popular plugins you've probably already heard about

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Pro Guide + 6 Alternatives (2024)

If you run an ecommerce store, it’s very likely you have seen dozens or even hundreds of lost purchases due to a WooCommerce abandoned cart. This

15 Best WordPress Black Friday Deals: Top Offers Only (2024)

  Hey there - welcome to the 2024 edition of online offer madness, otherwise known as Black Friday / Cyber Monday. This is the craziest tim

How Bookly + Online Booking System Boosts Your Bottom Line

Do you run a service-based business and have a website which is powered by WordPress? If the answer is yes, we're here to tell you why you should

35+ Best WordPress Wedding Themes For A Perfect I DO (2024)

The day we tie the knot is one of the most memorable days in our lives. No doubt, we want this day to be perfect and are ready to thoroughly plan

Defer Parsing of Javascript - 5 Ways To Fix It & Boost Speed (2024)

As somebody who is trying to understand how to defer parsing of Javascript, we believe you have a problem. You own or have visited a website of some

WP Rocket Review: Is It REALLY The Best Cache Plugin? (2024)

WP Rocket - a caching plugin for WordPress is one of the most popular premium products out there. But is it effective? Is it worth the price you p

Beaver Builder vs Elementor : Only One Is Good For You (2024)

Which are two of the most popular page builders for WordPress? If you're searching for a Beaver Builder vs Elementor comparison, you already know,

5 Best WooCommerce Hosting Providers (Reliable+Fast - 2024)

Speed may be everything online but reliability comes a close second. If you are planning to launch or move an eCommerce store using the pre-eminen

MemberPress Review + Ultimate Guide - Is It Worth It? (2024)

Starting and managing a membership website is no easy task. Given that such a site could be the lifeline of your business, organization, or commun

Restrict Content Pro Review + Guide - Is It Worth It? (2024)

Restrict Content Pro, also known as RCP, is a WordPress plugin that enables anyone to create a fully functional membership website. It essentially

BlogVault Review + Ultimate Guide - Is It Good Value? (2024)

Keeping backups is one of the most important things any website owner can do. It allows you to prevent losing your website entirely due to unfores

Hire A Top Freelance Software Developer - 5 Top Sites (2024)

The gig economy is huge and growing all the time. The flexibility offered by using freelancers to fulfill crunch or add temporary expertise to a p

OptimizePress Review - Is It Still Worth The Money? (2024)

OptimizePress has been around for over thirteen years now and has seen multiple versions, changes, new features and improvements over the years.

25+ Elementor Themes Which Work Perfectly For WordPress (2024)

With so many themes to choose from, you're hard-pressed to make the right choice these days. But you've already decided you love Elementor, so at

Elementor vs Divi : Which One is Most Worth The Money? (2024)

Welcome to our unbiased Elementor vs Divi review for 2024.

Thrive Themes Review : Is It Really Worth The Money? (2024)

Thrive Themes is a company that provides a variety of WordPress tools for marketers and website builders. The company sells Thrive Suite but Thri

9 Genesis Themes + Framework Review : Still Available ? (2024)

If you've been researching some of the best WordPress themes around, one of the products you'll often come across is the Genesis framework and its t

GeneratePress Review : Is It REALLY the Best Theme Out There? (2024)

GeneratePress is a lightweight WordPress theme designed for peformance, simplicity and great usability. It has a free version which is very popula

OceanWP - Pros / Cons - But Is It Worth the Money? (2024)

Have you heard about OceanWP and are keen to learn all about it? Not sure whether it will work for you? Want to know whether the Pro version is wo

SEOPress: Should You Switch For Better Rankings? (2024)

SEOPress is a WordPress SEO plugin. It is lightweight with lots of features and has to compete against some very well established names like Yoast

Why a Website + Dark Background Is Better Than You Think

The accepted formula for a website design is a white background, black or dark grey text and brand colouring sprinkled liberally throughout. The vas

17+ Best WordPress Gallery Plugin For Stunning Photo Displays

We all know that images are powerful in terms of interest and engagement. The more high quality images you can feature comfortably within a page d

Astra Theme Review + FULL Guide But Is It Worth It? (2024)

Welcome to my updated Astra theme review for 2024. Astra is one of the most popular and highest-rated WordPress themes today, but is it right f

LifterLMS Review + Ultimate Guide - But is Worth It? (2024)

Online learning is the new way of delivering education for work, hobbies or any other subject. It’s cheap, on-demand and bang on trend. If you wan

LearnDash Review + Guide - is it the Ultimate LMS? (2024)

LearnDash is a well-established Learning Management System (LMS) that enables you to create and host online learning courses from within a WordPress

What is Shopify? Is It WORTH The Money For Online Shops (2024)

Have you heard about this rising eCommerce platform but still wondering what is Shopify? The Shopify platform is one of the biggest names in eComm

Formidable Forms Review + Guide : Best Form Builder? (2024)

Formidable Forms is a WordPress form builder plugin. Available as a free basic form builder or premium plugin with all the bells and whistles, it is

BackupBuddy Review + Ultimate Guide: Is It Good for Backups?

BackupBuddy is currently one of the best-selling site backup plugins for WordPress. It has been around for a few years and several iterations, wit

Linkody Review - A Good (and Cheap) Backlink Monitor? (2024)

As a webmaster, you probably already know that the process of checking backlinks can be a painfully time-consuming task. Countless hours lost rev

Hestia Theme Review + Ultimate Guide: Is It Worth It? (2024)

Developed by ThemeIsle, Hestia is one of the most popular WordPress themes around. It’s currently used by hundreds of thousands of sites and mor

19+ Best WordPress Search Plugin(s): Review + Tips (2024)

WordPress is very good at many things but native search isn’t one of them. Given how influential and important search can be to the engagement a

Best Shopify Themes : 30+ Free / Premium Options (2024)

  Shopify is one of those innovations that is truly worth the moniker ‘game-changer’ which is why free Shopify themes are so popular. The

Bridge Theme: Multipurpose+Creative...But Is It Good Value?

Today, we are going to review Bridge, a premium creative multipurpose WordPress theme developed by Qode Interactive available in ThemeForest. It

CollectiveRay Disclaimer and FTC Disclosure

CollectiveRay has been around in one form or another for more than 15 years. It is one of the oldest, and significantly large completely free resource

NextGEN Gallery : Ultimate Guide + Review But Is It Worth It? (2024)

For a fully-featured CMS, WordPress does not always handle imagery all that well. A header image is handled well enough but as soon as you want mo

GeneratePress vs Astra - Which One Is Right For You? (2024)

Astra and GeneratePress are two of the best premium WordPress themes right now. If you’re looking for the best bang for the buck, you can not re

Spotlightr Video Hosting Review: Is This Worth The Money?

We all know the power of video for marketing, teaching, outreach, communication and entertainment. We also know that the default host is YouTube.

Best Divi Plugins You Should Be Using in 2024 (Updated)

Divi is an incredibly popular WordPress theme with many thousands of active users which is why it has given rise to a huge number of Divi plugins.

Create WordPress Theme: Step By Step for Custom Development

Since its original launch in 2003, WordPress has evolved from a simple blogging tool into a powerful and popular website builder and a comprehensive C

Best 10 WordPress File Manager/Media Library Plugins (2024)

Few websites contain just text. Most will feature a combination of images, audio, video and downloadable files. While the built-in WordPress media

70+ Divi Modules Ultimate Guide 2024 (Official/3rd Party)

If you use the Divi theme or Divi Builder, you’ll regularly work with Divi modules. They are the building blocks within the theme that enable you

[How To Fix CF7] - "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later."

Contact form 7 is a free contact form plugin that helps you to easily create forms and place them anywhere on your website. Contact form 7 is one of

[How To Fix] - The Site Is Experiencing Technical Difficulties

What's more frustrating than your sitting going down without you know why? So here's how to fix the WordPress error "The site is experiencing technica

9+ Reasons You SHOULD NOT Hire a Freelance Website Designer (2024)

Are you thinking about hiring a freelance web designer or developer? We're here to give you a full view before you invest a ton of time, money, a

How Much Does it Cost to Outsource App Development (2024)

The benefits of developing outsourcing apps are undeniable. Having an offshore team is a great way to reduce the time and costs of the project. A seas

How to Install a WordPress Theme [2024 Step-By-Step Guide]

 Are you trying to learn how to install a WordPress theme? Thousands of WordPress themes are available (both free and paid). As a beginner, you

App Developer Salary - Is It Worth Getting into this Field? (2024)

If you’re considering breaking into the app developer industry, it would be nice to know whether the effort required is truly worth it. While we wou

Web Developer Salary - Average Pays Across The World (2024)

A career shouldn’t be all about the money but when considering your future, it’s natural to want to know the average web developer salary and th

Divi vs Astra : Which Is the Best WordPress Theme For YOU? (2024)

Divi vs Astra - which one is best? These are two of the most popular WordPress themes in the world. According to BuiltWith [1], Astra is used

Markdown Cheat Sheet [FREE DOWNLOAD] - No Registration

If you create code or content outside of WordPress, markdown is something you should really get to know. It’s a method of converting plain text

9 Most Famous Logos Ever in Brand History (Updated)

Nothing beats a memorable logo when it comes to establishing brand recognition. And these famous logos have established quite a reputation! Many ho

What is a .MD File? And How To Open One (Markdown Extension)

  What is a .MD file? The .md or .MARKDOWN file extension is used to save text files written with Markdown language dialects. MD files are plai

How to Bold in Discord : Various Formatting Texts in Markdown (2024)

Formatting Bold Text in Discord Because Discord lacks built-in formatting capabilities, you can use Markdown to bold text. Read More: 21 Better Disc

[How To] Change Contact Form 7 Placeholder Text Color

Did you know Contact Form 7 allows you to change the color of placeholder text? If you’ve ever used Contact Form 7, then you might have noticed tha

Divi Discount Code > VERIFIED Coupon 10% OFF (2024)

Many people have been asking us for an elegant themes coupon code, so we are happy to announce that now you can get a divi discount or elegant the

[How To] Add Google reCAPTCHA in Contact Form 7 Quickly

Many website owners are under the impression that google recaptcha is a difficult process. That is not true! In this blog post, we will show you how t

SiteGround Review : Is This Web Hosting Worth It? (2024)

SiteGround comes up a lot in website reviews. We often wondered whether those reviews were accurate and whether it’s a web hosting company worth

Hire UI Designer - Best Sites Compared (And What To Pay in 2024)

Hiring UI designers is a complex task. They all have different skills and strengths and weaknesses. Like any professional, UI design is full of specia

Hire The Best React Developers - Sites And How Much To Pay

Are you looking for high-quality React developers and React programmers? We've got your back! We’re going to outline the expertise you need to begin

How to Become an iOS Developer - The Ultimate Guide (2024)

In this article, we're going to go over what we believe it takes to become an iOS developer.  We're aiming this guide squarely at two groups o

Hire Node.js Developers - 9 Best Sites in 2024 (Specialized)

Hiring programmers, coders, and developers for various web development, app development, and software development projects is a large part of what we

Hire PHP Developers - 15 Best Sites in 2024 (Various Prices)

We're always looking for developers to help me build software and businesses. To be honest, finding capable candidates hasn't always been easy – e

Hire Ruby on Rails Developer Today : 17 Best Sites (2024)

Here at CollectiveRay, we have experience with many programming languages and web development projects. According to us, Ruby on Rails developers

Best WordPress Hosting Convesio - Is It REALLY Worth It? (2024)

Have you heard about Convesio WordPress hosting? It's a relatively new kid on the block that dares to do things differently. It's a managed

Asana vs Monday.com - Expert Review - Which is Best Value (2024)

Are you trying to decide which of these top project managment services to get and want to compare Asana vs Monday? We've used both of them and can g

15 Best Project Management Software Comparison + PROS/CONS (2024)

This project management software review covers 15 tools and all the information you need to choose the right one for you, including pros and cons, p

Airtable vs Asana - Which One Should Your Small Business Use?

Do you think you need project management software for your small business? The article pits Airtable vs Asana in a head-to-head comparison so you ca

Wrike vs Asana : Expert Review with PROs / CONs (2024)

Managing complex tasks has become easier thanks to project management (PM) software. But what if you've heard of many project management tools and c

Asana vs Jira - Two Approaches, One Winner (2024)

Although Asana and Jira are both popular project management tools, their approaches are very different. We'll see how this works out in practice in

Trello vs Asana: Ultimate Guide with PROs/CONs for (2024)

If you're looking for the best project management app for your projects that also allows you to use a cloud-based service, you've probably come acro

How To Take A Screenshot On Mac - 4 Easy Ways To Capture Your Screen

Are you trying to find how to take a screenshot on Mac? You may have up to four different ways to take a screenshot on macdepending on which Apple c

19+ Asana Alternatives for Better Project Management (2024)

Asana has been around for a while, has grown into one of the most popular project management platforms, and has evolved into a straightforward tool

Asana Review by Expert + Long-Time User - But Is It Good Value?

Asana is a favourite among productivity buffs, and for good reason. It's a teamwork tool that keeps track of everything from tasks to workflows to c

Assistant Pro Review – Is This Tool Worth The Price? (2024)

Not content with bringing us one of the easiest drag and drop page builders around, the team behindqwa Beaver Builder has now created Assistant Pro.

Dedicated Development Team: What Is It And When Is It Used?

A dedicated development team is a popular partnership model in software development for remote client collaboration. This model is the best choice for

Offshore Software Development - Top Countries for Hiring A Team (2024)

Are you looking to offshore software development resources of your company? We've been in the business as a Project and Product Manager for 15+ year

27 Construction Logos / Ideas That Will Help You Build a Better Company

Starting a new construction company from scratch? You require a strong construction company logo. Rebranding an existing business? You require a goo

399 Good Bot Names for Robots & Chatbot (Popular / Unique )

We're here to help you come up with a great bot name for your website by providing you with a massive list of good bot names and both popular and un

Divi AI Review - What is it? Will it Improve Your Web Design?

AI is everywhere right now. Hardly a day goes by without a new headline mentioning AI or promoting a new product that uses it. One standout produ

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